We had a lot of keyword research and studies to do for one of our client that is doing a lot of business in the massage industry - it is in fact the erotic massage parlor thing that we have to talk about.
So, judging by the nature of this activity, which is not just a mainstream massage or even something that anyone would search for, we have initially imagined that it can be pretty easy to discover everything related to this subject, as it is something very small, like a niche.
But we were not right about this, as this industry is very wide spreade everywhere in this wolrd and the erotic massage and the normal massage can be made in a hundred couple of ways with different styles and so on.
So, just to enumerate a couple of types of massage that you can enjoy on our blue planet (and imagine that all of those can have a lot of sub branches) I am goind to enumerate just a few of the most popular ones: Active technique, Acupressure, Anma, Aquatic bodywork, Ashiatsu, Balinese massage, Bowen, Biodynamic massage, Kum Nye, Lomilomi and indigenous massage of Oceania, Lymphatic drainage, Medical massage, Metamorphic Technique, Myofascial release, NeuroMuscular Therapy, Pediatric , Postural Integration, Prostate, Reflexology, Shiatsu, Sports massage, Stone massage, Structural Integration
So we had to understand that there are a lot of ways in doing any kind of massage, and depending on this thing I knew for sure that the services can be very particular.
Finally we did a good job and really managed to find all the necessary info for our marketing strategy related to massage in general, so we are quite happy with that.
miercuri, 24 august 2016
marți, 23 august 2016
Imperator - si totul este gratuit
totii avem obiecte pe care le-am achizitionat cu ceva timp in urma,
insa in ultima vreme nu fac altceva decat sa adune praful. Fie ca
vorbim de jucarii, laptopuri mai vechi, telefoane demodate sau
articole vestimentare, acestea nu isi mai gasesc loc in viata de zi
cu zi tot mai agitata si in lumea moderna in care traim. Din acest
motiv, de ce sa nu profitam de pe urma lor si sa incercam sa le
vindem pe Imperator.ro?
este gratuit
cont ca anunturile sunt gratuite, nimeni nu are nimic de pierdut, iar
totul este foarte usor. Nu dureaza mai mult de cateva minute sa
pregatesti anuntul ideal, care sa ataga atentia celorlalti
utilizatori. Laptopurile cu siguranta ca se afla la mare cautare
intotdeauna, insa chiar si cele mai slab dotate sunt destul de
costisitoare in magazine, astfel ca un pret bun va fi bine venit
pentru multe persoane care au nevoie de unul. Pe site se gasesc mii
de anunturi din toate categoriile, astfel ca oricine poate sa profite
de pe urma reducerilor semnificative. Numarul ridicat de utilizatori
poate fi remarcat prin faptul ca periodic apar fel de fel de oferte
mai atragatoare.
foarte variate
si daca esti in cautarea unui loc de munca sau cauti angajatul
potrivit, Imperator poate reprezenta solutia. Poti sa incarci pana la
8 fotografii, iar numarul acestora este suficient pentru oricine
incat sa starneasca curiozitatea celorlalti. Mai mult decat atat,
daca iti doresti sa ai sanse mai mari sa iti vinzi produsul, trebuie
sa stii ca ai la dispozitie serviciul de promovare, cu ajutorul
caruia anuntul tau va fi mult mai vizibil in ochii utilizatorilor. In
plus, anunturile sunt valabile 90 de zile, urmand ca dupa aceasta
perioada, actualizarea sa fie tot gratuita daca produsul nu a fost
vandut intre timp.
vineri, 19 august 2016
Cat ne costa verificarea istalatiei de gaze?
ziua de azi oricine se poate bucura de confortul adus de instalatiile de gaze
naturale, insa putini sunt cei care le intretin asa cum ar trebui. De exemplu,
o centrala termica poate fi asemanata cu un autoturism, iar la fiecare 2 ani
trebuie efectuata o verificare, pas impus de lege, in caz contrar, dispozitivul
va functiona in mod ilegal. Astfel, in cazul in care este prins proprietarul
care nu a facut verificarea centralei, acesta va fi tras la raspundere. Mai
mult decat atat, o centrala termica, pentru a avea o durata de viata mai mare,
trebuie sa se efectueze o revizie in fiecare an, pentru ca specialistii sa se
asigure ca acestea functioneaza in cele mai bune conditii.
proprietari se orienteaza dupa cel mai mic pret pentru verificarea instalatiei de gaze naturale, insa un cost mai mic nu
inseamna neaparat si calitate sau profesionalism. La Pro Constructo te poti
bucura de preturi bune, dar si de angajati care se dedica fiecarui proiect,
astfel incat acesta sa fie perfect, iar cand vine vorba de verificarea unei
instalatii de gaze, clientii se vor bucura de sfaturi si vor invata diferite
modalitati prin care sa creasca durata de viata a aparatelor.
serviciu de verificare instalatie gaze naturale este destinat tuturor
persoanelor care detin o locuinta in care sunt incluse pana la un anumit numar
de puncte de ardere, de exemplu centrala termica si aragazul, care sunt foarte
comune, fie semineu sau soba in cazul caselor. In acest sens este nevoie de
cateva date si detalii pentru ca angajatii sa poata face verificarile in mod
corespunzator. Astfel, in primul rand este nevoie de codul de client sau seria
contorului, informatii ce se pot obtine de pe o factura, in timp ce nu trebuie
sa lipseasca actele care atesta punerea in functiune a aparatului sau raportul
anterior de verificare.
luni, 15 august 2016
Un city break la Bruxelles
mi-am facut planul de vacanta, m-am gandit sa optez pentru o
destinatie europeana dar care sa nu fie atat de populara in randul
romanilor, asa ca am ales un city break la Bruxelles. Cele mai multe
persoane aleg fie Franta, fie Germania si mai rar Belgia, insa
capitala tarii este foarte aglomerata, dar ticsita cu multe locuri de
vazut. Daca iti place istoria, te poti informa cu privire la muzeele
cele mai grozave din oras, iar pasionatii de arta cu siguranta ca nu
se vor plange.
toate ca a fost mai scump, ne-am cazat chiar aproape de piata
centrala pentru ca am vrut sa fim fix in inima orasului si sa
economisim banii de transport, iar totul a fost foarte confortabil.
Imediat ce ieseam din hotel, in stanga si in dreapta aveam la
dispozitie baruri si restaurante. Dimineata mancam la hotel, iar
preparatele au fost foarte bune, insa in fiecare seara mergeam la
cate un restaurant diferit pentru a experimenta cat mai multe. Orasul
este destul de scump, asa ca trebuie sa ai un buget destul de mare,
mai ales daca vrei sa te intorci acasa cu cate ceva.
schimb, cei care merg la shopping au la dispozitie multe magazine
renumite, iar daca prinzi perioada de reduceri de la sfarsitul lunii
august poti sa faci chiar niste afaceri foarte bune. Eu mi-am
cumparat tricouri la 2 euro, blugi la 5 euro, asa ca mi-am facut inca
o garderoba doar in acest city break la Bruxelles. Am zburat cu
avionul din Bucuresti si am ajuns imediat, nu am mai pierdut timp pe
drum si nici nu am avut probleme cu bagajul. Am plecat cu valiza mai
goala, insa m-am intors cu ea plina cu suveniruri si amintiri pentru
cei de acasa, pentru ca oricine si-a dorit sa aiba cate ceva de aici.
Real Estate Virtual Tours - the best solution
I am working for a huge company, and we have offices in 12 countries and more than 80 cities from Europe, United States and Australia - basically we are one of the major real estate company in the United States and EUrope and maybe we are the biggest on the planet.
And one of the reasons for our success stayis in the way our business are binded toegether regarding the cash flow, regarding the way a certain office is helping another and so on. Basically, if our office from Paris is going to bleed money for a certain amount of time, then the mother company will help it survive, while if a certain office would produce more than needed, they will have their bonuses, but at the same time they will push more money in the common company accounts.
Well, the things are a bit more complicated than I am telling you the nice story about what seems to be a communist organisation (in fact it is not communist at all, as the money are borrowed and the local company that it is in a bad shape will have to send the money back at a certain point in time).
And there are a lot of small problems with the information technotogy platforms that we are using, as we are trying now to do an unification for all the platforms in order to have anything under the same support, as things would be more organised and a lot cheaper to maintain if for instance everyone would use the same software solutions everywhere.
Folr instance - the Real Estate Virtual Tours software they were using- there were more than 10 solutions, so we evaluated all of them and finally decided to go for the Tour Wizard fue to the fact that it was the best software solution out there, and most effective from a time consuming and support point of view.
And one of the reasons for our success stayis in the way our business are binded toegether regarding the cash flow, regarding the way a certain office is helping another and so on. Basically, if our office from Paris is going to bleed money for a certain amount of time, then the mother company will help it survive, while if a certain office would produce more than needed, they will have their bonuses, but at the same time they will push more money in the common company accounts.
Well, the things are a bit more complicated than I am telling you the nice story about what seems to be a communist organisation (in fact it is not communist at all, as the money are borrowed and the local company that it is in a bad shape will have to send the money back at a certain point in time).
And there are a lot of small problems with the information technotogy platforms that we are using, as we are trying now to do an unification for all the platforms in order to have anything under the same support, as things would be more organised and a lot cheaper to maintain if for instance everyone would use the same software solutions everywhere.
Folr instance - the Real Estate Virtual Tours software they were using- there were more than 10 solutions, so we evaluated all of them and finally decided to go for the Tour Wizard fue to the fact that it was the best software solution out there, and most effective from a time consuming and support point of view.
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