duminică, 27 martie 2016

Intretinerea unui aparat de aer contitionat

Aerul conditionat are rolul de a ne face vietile mai usoare, dupa o zi de munca, cand aerul este rece si fara pic de umiditate. Alegerea aparatului de aer conditionat potrivit se poate dovedi a fi mai dificila decat pare, insa dupa stabilirea necesitatilor si locului de instalare, nu ramane decat utilizarea sa in cele mai bune conditii.

Cand si de ce se schimba filtrele?
Filtrele murdare si imbacsite cu praf au un impact negativ asupra eficientei dispozitivului, iar inlocuirea acestora are loc, de regula, la cateva luni, in functie de specificatiile producatorului si tipul filtrului. Unele filtre pot fi spalate si puse la loc, in timp ce altele trebuie indepartate si schimbate.

De ce si cum se remediaza scurgerile?
Tevile pot pierde pana la 30% din capacitatea dispozitivului de aer conditionat ieftin prin scurgeri care apar din cauza faptului ca tevile nu sunt bine etansate. In primul rand este nevoie ca acestea sa fie identificate, in functie de zona in care se gasesc, fie la unitatea interna, fie la cea externa. Cu toate ca de cele mai multe ori poate fi suficienta lipirea tevilor cu banda adeziva, se recomanda ca operatiunea sa fie efectuata de un specialist, deoarece acesta se poate asigura ca aparatul functioneaza la intreaga sa capacitate.

Cum si de ce se foloseste termostatul?
Nu este nevoie ca aparatul de aer conditionat sa functioneze la capacitate maxima, in special cand nu se afla nimeni in incapere. Pentru unitatile centrale, se recomanda instalarea unui termostat ce permite setarea unei temperaturi ridicate atunci cand camera este goala sau o temperatura mai scazuta atunci cand este cineva in incapere. 

Cele mai noi aparate de aer conditionat dispun de propriul termostat, iar acestea sunt foarte eficiente si din punct de vedere al consumului de energie electrica deoarece facturile sunt mult mai scazute.

marți, 15 martie 2016

Virtual tours are increasing sales of real estate properties

Being a real estate sepcialist it can be a very hard time - especially with all those people that are calling you to visionate a certain house or apartment. And as this is a part of my job (in fact a very important part of this job) I can't really complain about. But... there are a lot of situations where the people have not understood perfectly how the apartment is compartimanted, or they have not seen all the pictures, or simply they thaught that is is.... different.

So... at the end of the day, more than half of the trips that I am making back and forth with all those potential clients are useless - there is only time that is getting lost.

But... in a Monday morning one of my coleagues found a very intriguing piece of software - the name of that software is Tour Wizard (something developed by some very talented programmers from United Kingdom).

And this great piece of software is basically doing a revolution in this industry, because it allows us (the real estate people) to present our properties to the interested people without having to travel every time at location of the house/apartment - which is great if the ptential clients only want to look.

But after a period we realised that more and more of the peoples that actually visited a certain property actualy purchased that house - which means that this software managed to improve our conversions rating, which is very great for business.

marți, 8 martie 2016

Escort agency in London

My job is definitely not the best job out there, as there is in fact very boring in certain moments and there are situations where you will be unable to do a lot of things - like telling other persons what you are working there. For instance this was the case when I was doing some marketing services (for a whole week) for an escort agency in London - so imagine how hard it is not to tell anyone what are you actually doing.

So - if you know already, Google does not really like to do adult related advertising, which means that all this industry is a little bit shady from the outside (and from teh inside as well).

There are a lot of of weird thing that happens with the advertising, as there are a lot of different companies that have their own advertising platforms, there are a lot of  different procedures regarding SEO, there is a lot to debate regarding the websites that are offering pretty weird services and so on.

So, doing marketing online for an escort agency in London is definitely a very tough job - and more important than anything, the competition is willing to do things that other companies won't do.

For instance, in the SEO area there are a lot of opportunities due to the low level of optimization for the largest amount of websites in this industry, there are also a lot of opportunities regarding the content that for many niches it is simply not out there and so on.

So... this area can be very interesting as an industry, with a lot of search queries, with a lot of things that could be implemented, but unfortunately it is not always family friendly... so it can be pretty hard to work in this domain of activity.